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Patricia's Organics would love to hear from you!

If you want to order our products, go shopping. Or, simply print out our order form and drop it in the mail. Our address is:

Patricia's Organics
1434 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94702
phone/fax: 510.548.1417
email: gethappy@patriciasorganics.com

Patricia is also a wardrobe stylist for film and TV. If you are looking for her stylist website, that is at www.patriciastyle.com

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Questions or comments about this website? Send them to the designer/webmaster. He created this whole site for nothing but bath salts!

      home  |  go shopping  |  book an event  |  about us  |  contact  |  email  |  order form
      Patricia's Organics, 1434 Berkeley Way, Berkeley CA 94702  |  phone/fax 510.548.1417